This function must first be activated so that you can add an accompanying person to a main guest in the guest list, or a main guest can register an accompanying person within the registration form on the landing page.
To do this, go to the event settings and select the ‘Yes’ option in the companions section.
You can then specify how many companions can be registered per main guest. An unlimited number of companions is also possible.
You can find more information on the settings for companions and sending emails and attachments in the basic settings. 🔎
As soon as the function for registering companions has been activated in the settings, a button labelled Add companion will automatically appear in the guest detail view of your guest list as well as in the registration form on the landing page:
By default, there are no predefined fields for accompanying persons in the registration form on your landing page.
This makes it possible, for example, to register anonymous companions via the landing page registration form.
You can also add anonymous companions in the guest detail view. In the guest list, anonymous accompanying persons (no first name and surname) are given the placeholder “Unnamed (-> name of main guest)”.
If you want to add additional fields for companions in the registration form of your landing page, you must switch to the edit mode of your registration form in the landing page editor. You can find more information on the registration form in this article on the registration form.
In the landing page editor, you will find the companion tab at the top.
In the section below, you now have the option of adding fields for querying the accompanying persons in the registration form.
Click on the relevant field to add it to the companions section of the registration form.
Notes on fields for companions in the registration form of your landing page:
Existing standard fields as well as user-defined fields can be selected or newly created
There are two options for creating user-defined fields in connection with companions:
Individual value for main guest and companion
Joint value for main guest and accompanying person
You can find more information here: (🚀 März 2024 | Notion )
After a main guest has registered their companion via the registration form, you will find them in your guest list. The main guest and accompanying person now also have different icons in the “Full name” column. As soon as you move the mouse over the icon of an accompanying person, the name of the main guest will be displayed.
To get a better overview of which main guest belongs to which companion, there are two additional options.
1. Preset „Group View“
Within the guest list, there are so-called presets that you can open. A pre-saved preset is the group view, which you open by clicking on the Options field and then Load preset. A drop-down menu will open, please select Group view.
The view of the guest list with the activated group view looks as follows:
In concrete terms, this means that all companions of a main guest are always positioned and indented under the main guest's data record.
2. Identification using the booking group ID
Add the Booking group ID field to the overview of your guest list. Main guests and companions always have an identical booking group ID. This field is necessary for the export if you want to use advanced filtering and sorting of main guest and companions in Excel.