If you would like to give your guests the opportunity to edit their already submitted registration, even though your event is defined as "Open and by invitation" in the settings, please proceed as follows:
It is important to understand that it is only possible to edit the registration once the guest is logged in to your landing page with their personal booking code. Only then does the site recognize who is on the page based on the individual booking code and can link the changes to the corresponding data record in your guest list.
This means that the following placeholder must be used in the confirmation email that the guest receives after their first registration: {{guest.landing_page_url_with_login_code}}
In combination with a short explanation it will look like this:
"To edit your registration, please click here."
In this case, the entire sentence is linked and the placeholder Landing page with login code has been used as the target URL.
Once the guest has clicked on this placeholder, they are logged in to the page, even for events that are defined as Open and by invitation, where no login is required for registration. In order for the guest to be able to edit their registration, the edit mode of the registration form must be activated. To do this, you must activate the toggle button that you can see outlined in red in the following screenshot (already activated).
Guest view:
In addition to editing the submitted registration, you can also offer guests the option to cancel their registration for the event. The following toggle button must be enabled:
Guest view:
Once the guest has initially registered without a personal code, the query for acceptance and rejection is only displayed after registration. If they register with a code, this query is displayed before registration.