Please note - Be careful when creating guests, as every guest created - including test guests - is automatically deducted from your booked contingent.
In this guide, we'll show you how to import or create guests for your event. Once you've created an event, you'll be directed to your event Cockpit.
Please be aware that your guest list already includes one user.
We believe it's crucial to have at least one guest (yourself) in place right after creating the event. This allows you to start testing your event registration, emails, and tickets effectively.
Of course, that this will also affect the guest capacity of your current plan (e. g. free plan - 49 guest left). To access your subscription details, go to your Profile → My Subscription.
Add guests to your guestlist
To begin creating or importing new guests for your event, navigate to the Guestlist section. From there, you can choose from the following options:
Add new Guest
Click Add new Guest to create a new guest for your guestlist.
Fill in the required fields and click Save - following fields are available by default:
- Status: Invited (default), Listed, Requested, Waitlisted, Confirmed, Cancelled
- Sex: Male, Female, Diverse
- First Name
- Last Name
- Street Address
- Address Line 2
- ZIP Code
- City
- Country
- E-Mail Address
- Phone Number
- Company
- Job title
E-Mail Validation
When entering an email address in the guest detail card, the email validation checks whether the email address entered contains an invalid domain name and unsupported characters. If this is the case, it will not be possible to save the change and a corresponding message will be displayed.
Import Guests
Click Import Guests to start with guest import.
The guest import wizard allows you to use following import methods:
- Paste import data (simply copy & paste from Excel or any .csv file format)
- Upload import data (simply select a .csv File from your drive and upload it)
We also provide some test data for a quick import of some guests at the end of the article.
Important - in both options you need to select if first row of your data contains column headlines and should not be imported.
Next → Assign Target field to your Source Data AND select default value for booking status
In this step, the individual columns of your Excel/CSV file are assigned to the fields in our system. If the column heading matches the name of a field, it will be recognised automatically; if the name differs, you must assign the field manually. Unassigned fields are automatically ignored and not imported.
You also have the option of choosing the status your guests should receive after import.
Important - Prepare all your required custom fields before your import so that everything works smoothly.
There are certain rules for importing certain fields. For example, a valid email must be entered for an email field. You can find an overview of these rules in this article Columns and field assignment when importing.
If a field violates these rules during the import, the import will not be started. However, you will receive an Excel file that highlights the incorrect cells so that you know where you need to make changes.
Note - if your import list contains more guest than your subscription limit allows, an alert will be shown. In that case, please check your total number of guest and try again. Consider also an upgrade of your subscription plan to add more guests.
If there are no problems with the subscription limit and your fields, you can check your import data one last time. Here you can see how many guests you are importing, what status they have and an overview of your assigned fields.
After you click Next, the import will start immediately.
Please note - the import may take some time for larger data sets. You will be notified as soon as the import has been completed.
Please note - Be careful when creating guests, as every guest created - including test guests - is automatically deducted from your booked contingent.