When importing your guests, there is some important information to consider with regard to the columns and field assignment.
Please note - the following information is to ensure that the column and field assignments match when importing:
- The assignment (matching) of the columns / fields is done via an alias. This means that each field in your guest list has a corresponding alias that is used for the assignment.
- The value of a field is checked for a specific (compatible) format during import.
- If an import is incorrect, you will also receive a corresponding notification including a detailed evaluation for download.
Below you will find an overview of the most important aliases and formats that are checked during import.
Standard fields
Field-ID |
Alias (upper and lower case letters, capital letters) |
Value / Format |
booking.code | code Bookingcode Buchungscode |
alphanumeric characters min: 4 max: 24 if empty, 8-digit booking codes are automatically generated |
common.status | status | valid status incl. translation: Listed, Invited, Confirmed, etc. Importiert, Eingeladen, Bestätigt, etc. |
contact.locale | locale_id locale language Sprache Gebietsschema |
valid ISO code (language & country code combination → z. B. de-de, en-gb or valid name → English, Deutsch) |
contact.sex | sex gender Geschlecht |
Male/Männlich/Herr/Mr. Female/Weiblich/Frau/Mrs./Ms. Diverse |
contact.first_name | first_name First name Vorname |
contact.last_name | last_name Last name Nachname |
contact.email | email |
contact.phone_number | phone phone number mobile Telefonnummer |
contact.company_name | company_name company Company name Firmenname |
contact.job_title | job_title job position Job title Berufsbezeichnung |
contact.address_line_1 | address_line_1 street street address address Address line 1 Adresszeile 1 |
contact.address_line_2 | address_line_2 Address line 2 Adresszeile 2 |
contact.city | city Stadt |
contact.zip_code | zip ZIP Code Postleitzahl |
contact.country | country Land |
valid ISO 3166 country code (alpha-2) |
Custom fields
Field type | Valid values |
selectfield (Dropdown) | unique identifier (UUID) options-names with all translations |
boolean | WAHR: true, on, 1, yes, ja, y, j FALSCH: false, off, 0, no, nein, n all other values will result in an import error |
text | every value |
date | only valid date formats: DD.MM.YYYY MM/DD/YYYY YYYY-MM-DD |
decimal | Any valid decimal value, with "point" as the decimal point. The value must always be a decimal number, not an integer. Example: "1" is invalid, "1.0" or "1.1" is valid. A maximum of 3 decimal places can be used, more places are marked as invalid. |
integer | any valid integer value, e.g. "1" or "10" or "200" |