New features
Showing and hiding the text layer in the hero section
The text layer of the hero widget can be shown or hidden at any time. To do this, use the Add text layer checkbox.
Sorting selection field options via drag & drop
The order of the options in a selection field in the registration form can be easily changed using Showing and hiding the text layer in the hero section drag & drop Showing and hiding the text layer in the hero section.
Set viewing and editing rights for your event
With access control, you can define which users should have viewing and editing rights to your event. The function is available to you both during event creation and afterwards in the event settings.
Show status of last message
You can now add the “Last message status” field to the overview of your guest list to get a quick overview of the status of your sent emails
New placeholder for event start and end time
The placeholder for the start/end date and time of an event now support the localized date specification. The placeholder covers the following points:- {{event.starts_at}}: This part of the placeholder refers to the start date and time of the event.
- format_datetime(): This is a function that formats and displays the date and time. It is used to display the date and time in the desired format.
- locale=guest.preferred_locale: This defines the language and format in which the date and time should be displayed.
- timezone='Europe/Berlin': This setting determines the time zone in which the event or appointment takes place. In this case, it is the time zone of Berlin.
- pattern='EEEE d.MM.yyyy - HH:mm': This specifies the exact format in which the date and time should be displayed. In this example, “EEEE” stands for the day of the week, “d.MM.yyyy” for the date in day.month.year format and “HH:mm” for the hours and minutes in 24-hour format.