Release Updates (01 / 2024)
Check-In App for Android
The Check-In app can now also be used with its full range of functions on Android mobile devices. The Android version is currently not available in the store and must be installed manually. You can obtain the latest version from our support team if required. Contact:
You can find more information about the functionality of the Check-In app in our Help Center.
New online subscription plans and guest packages
You now have the option of upgrading online to a subscription of your choice or purchasing a guest package during the free trial phase. Payment is made simply by credit card.
You can find more information about our current subscription plans and add-ons here.
Event cockpit - new KPI “No-Show Rate”
From now on, you will find the No-Show Rate KPI in % in the first row of the standard widgets in your Event Cockpit. Only guests with the status Confirmed are taken into account.
Personalization in the email subject
The subject line of your emails now also supports the use of placeholders as well as conditional logic. Example:
You can find more information on the use of placeholders and conditional logic here.
New export feature for seating
You now have the option of downloading your seating plans in various file formats and resolutions. The following file formats are currently supported: SVG, JPG and PNG.
Number of check-ins now available under "My Events”
You can now add the number of check-ins per event directly under My Events, which gives you a better overview of your events. To activate the column, please navigate to Options → Fields & Columns and select Checked-in guests in the list overview.
Custom guest codes during import
When importing guest lists, you now have the option of using user-defined guest codes during the initial import. Guest codes with a length between 4-24 characters are supported.
Additional information in the email preview
Before sending manual emails, you now have the option of checking the following additional information in the email preview: Subject, From, To, Reply to, BCC, personalized attachments.