Release Updates (03/2024)
Registration Form Styling
You now have the option of applying additional styling options to your registration form. Click on the Styling tab to change the background color or use a background image, as well as to change the title color and section/content width.
Export of sent emails
Export data of sent emails as an Excel or CSV file for detailed analysis and tracking.
New field type available for companion and main guest
A new field type for custom fields is now available when the Allow Companions function is activated.
We would like to give you the following examples to help you differentiate:
Individual value (guest)
Main guest and companion have different food preferences (vegetarian, vegan), for example.
With this selection, individual values are saved for the main guest and companion if the field is used for the main guest and/or companion and the form is submitted or attached via the guest list:
- main guest: vegetarian
- companion: vegan
Shared value (booking)
Main guest and companion should stay in the same hotel.
With this selection, the same values are saved for the main guest and the companion if the field is used for the main guest and/or companion and the form is submitted or attached via the guest list. In this case, it would also be sufficient to only store the field for the main guest. The companion then automatically receives the same value.
- Main guest: Hotel A
- Companion: Hotel A
Creation of the landing page as a one-pager
You can now create anchor navigation by setting section IDs (anchors) in the available sections of your landing page and set up your landing page as a one-pager:
Name Section-ID:
Create anchor navigation:
Click on menu item to jump to the linked section:
Updated registration type - Open and with invitation
The registration type "Open to all" has been renamed Open and with invitation and the functionality has been extended as follows:
- Registration is possible without a code and the website is publicly accessible
- At the same time, guests can also be imported into the guest list who are to register using a personal guest code. The same functionality is supported here as for the "By invitation only" registration type (prior request for participation yes/no, pre-filled form and use of intelligent fields).
- In addition, registered guests (e.g. with guest status "Confirmed", main guest only) can subsequently edit and/or cancel their registration, provided the function has been activated in the registration form.
- The prerequisite for this is that the link for editing the registration form, including the booking code, is stored in the email confirmation.
Automatic email dispatch after registration update
If the option is activated in the registration form that the guest may edit their registration after submission and subsequently change it, an automatic email will be sent immediately for the current guest status (e.g. Confirmed and if email is available and automation is active).
Support filter Empty / Not empty
You now have the option to filter for empty values in your guest list (or other table views, e.g. Sent emails). To do this, select one of the two new symbols in the filter box to display empty or non-empty fields.
Filters support multi selection
For selection fields, you now have the option of filtering in the table view (e.g. guest list) using multi selection.
Placeholder for salutations
The placeholder selection in email templates and tickets has been expanded to include an additional Salutations group. This gives you the option of storing different salutations in your emails or tickets depending on gender and/or title.