Release Updates
Integrate seating plan details as placeholders in communication
Detailed seating plan information can now be seamlessly integrated into emails, text messages, and tickets. The new placeholders include key details such as room number and name, table number and name, and seat number, enabling more personalized and precise communication with guests.
As always, placeholders can be easily selected via the "Placeholders" function within the "Seating Plan Information" group. They can be inserted into any communication and complemented with additional text as needed. By default, the standard format is:
{% for seat in guest.seats %} {{seat.room_number}}, {{seat.room_name}}. {{seat.table_number}}, {{seat.table_name}}. {{seat.seat_number}} {% endfor %}
This format can be adapted as required within the “For” loop. For example, the output could look like this:
{% for seat in guest.seats %} Raum {{seat.room_number}} ({{seat.room_name}}), Tisch {{seat.table_number}} ({{seat.table_name}}), Sitz {{seat.seat_number}} {% endfor %}
An example of the result of this adjustment would be: “Room 1 (Saturn), table 1 (VIP), seat 1”.
Important note: Please note that the placeholders can only be used within a “For” loop. This new feature offers more flexibility and attention to detail when designing individual messages and allows you to communicate exact seat information to guests in an appealing and informative way
Improved guest import: efficient data handling for large events
The new update makes guest import more efficient and flexible - ideal for managing large data sets and individual adjustments.
Here are the most important functions and benefits in detail:
Background processing of data records
One of the key innovations is the ability to import guests in the background. During the import, processing of the guest list is prevented, thus avoiding interruptions. The system remains stable and reacts quickly, even with very large data sets. In addition, the previous limit of a maximum of 1000 guests per import has been lifted, so that larger numbers of guests can now be processed in a single import process.
Automatic validation and error export
The improved import process includes a comprehensive data record check that runs directly during the import. This check ensures that:
- Field names and options are specified correctly
- Formats meet the expected requirements
Correct records are imported directly, while incorrect records are skipped. For data records that could not be imported due to errors, a separate export is generated and made available for download. This makes it easy to correct and reuse incorrect data.
Flexibility thanks to new fields
Another advantage of the new guest import is the ability to create and assign new fields directly during the import process. If special data is required that was not previously created in the system, the user can now add it during the import process. This eliminates the need to create these fields manually in advance - a major advantage for flexible and dynamic adjustments.
Distinction between new import and update
With the new functionality, two different import types can now be selected:
- Import new data records: Here, all data records are added as new entries.
- Updating existing data records: If data records are to be updated, the Booking code column must be included with the existing booking codes, as this serves as a unique identifier. The guest contingent remains unchanged.
Centralized language settings for your events
When you create your account, the display language selected during sign-up is automatically set as the default language for your events. However, in your account settings under My company and then Language settings, you have the option of activating additional languages and setting a different default language for your events. The selected languages are always available for you to choose from during event setup.
Please note that languages already used in events can no longer be deactivated in the language settings. The following languages are currently available:
- English
- German
- Danish
- Dutch
- French
- Italian
If you need another language, please contact our Customer Service Team.
New field type “Multiple selection”
The new field type Multi-select is now available when creating a new field in the guest list and in the registration form. This field type allows your guests to select several options at the same time.
Multiple choice fields are also available as placeholders and support limits on individual options. In the guest list, the selected values are displayed in comma-separated form, which ensures an easy overview and better readability. The selection values can also be filtered and exported, which makes data management even easier.
New seating tool function: Insert rows of seats
Our updated seating plan function now offers even more flexibility! You can now add one or more rows of seats with any number of seats to create exactly the seating you need for your event. You can also block individual seats so that they cannot be occupied, or hide seats, for example to make aisles and passageways visible in the plan.
This function is particularly useful for cinemas, theaters, conferences or meetings, for example.
New: Buy an event license directly online
From now on you can easily buy a single event license for the plan of your choice online within your Free Trial! This is how it works:
- Go to Settings -> Subscription and Billing and select Upgrade.
- Click on the Pro Event tab, select the desired plan and click on Buy now.
- Payment is made conveniently via the online service Stripe.
During the payment process, you can select a small guest package or add additional packages later as add-ons. You can find more information on our website: Preisliste.
After your first event license, you can purchase additional event licenses for your chosen plan at any time. If you would like to switch to another plan, our Customer Service Team will be happy to help you.
New feature: Sticky header for your landing page
Open Graph meta tags for your landing page
Open Graph meta tags are special HTML tags that allow your website to be displayed optimally on social platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn. These tags define which information (title, description and image) is displayed when your website is shared. An appealing display increases the likelihood that users will click on the link and visit your page.
How to configure the Open Graph meta tags:
- Click on the cogwheel for the individual page settings of your landing page.
- Customize the displayed meta tags for title, description and image.
- You will see a preview of the display on the right-hand side.
- Pay attention to the recommended image size to ensure that the image is displayed optimally.
- Click on Save.
Use the Open Graph meta tags to improve the visibility and attractiveness of your public events on social media and drive more traffic to your page!