In this article, we will present the Settings section to you, and explain all the important information related to it.
Basically, there are three main points.
- Event Information
- Event Settings
- Limits
Event Information
The following overview will appear:
Event Name: update the name of your event
Event Start and End Date/Time: update start and end time of your event
Name of the location: add and update name of your event location
Address line: address of your event location
Address line 2: address of your event location
Zip: zip of your event location
City: city of your event location
Country: country of your event location
Additional Event Information: You have the option to create additional custom fields for your events which are available for each new event.
Now, let's move on to the next point:
Event Settings
The following overview will appear:
Registration type
Select from following options:
Open for everybody (public event - everybody can register for your event)
By invitation only (closed event - your registration is protected by an individual booking code, which will be sent to your guests)
One Password for all (closed event - your registration is protected by one password for all of your guest)
Registration Period
To restrict the registration period and enable/disable registration form submission on your landingpage for a specific time frame, add here your Registration Start and End date:
If your guests should also be able to add companions to their registration, you need to enable Companions feature on event settings. Following options are available:
Max. companions (enter max. number of companions per guest - if needed, you can set individual number of companions on individual guest level. This can be done on guestlist -> guest details view)
Allow unlimited Companions per Main Guest (if enabled, each guest can add unlimited companions to their registration)
With companions feature enabled, there are 3 options available related to automated emails and attachments. Please note: These settings do not apply to manual sent email campaigns, which can always be sent to guests and their companions individually.
Please choose preferred automated email and ticket attachment settings:
Only main guest will receive emails and ticket
(independent from number of companions and if anonymous or not, automated emails incl. attachments will only be sent to main guest; companions will not receive any emails or attachments)
Emails and individual ticket attachments are sent to main guest only
(automated emails incl. attachments for individual registered guests and companions are sent to main guest only; e. g. main guest registered 2 companions and will receive 3 individual emails incl. attachments (if available)
Each guest receives its own emails and ticket (Default)
(automated emails incl. attachments for individual registered guests and companions are sent to each individual)
AirLST supports multi-language events - currently:
- German (DE)
- English (EN)
- Dansk (DK)
- Nederlands (NL)
- French (FR)
- Italian (IT)
Update this section, if you need to change your default event language or add an additional language for your guests.
Please consider updating event resources to support enabled languages: